Tips & Advice
The following organizations offer advice and/or services of interest to new home buyers in Ontario:
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers a helpful booklet called Consumer’s Guide to Buying a Home. CMHC’s website also dedicates an entire section geared to home buyers. Visit or call (toll-free) 1-800-668-2642.
Canadian Bankers’ Association
Canadian Bankers’ Association offers two helpful financial brochures called Mortgage Wise and Managing Money. Visit or call (toll free) 1-800-263-0231.
Law Society of Upper Canada
If you would like help selecting a real estate lawyer, call the Law Society of Upper Canada’s lawyer-referral service (toll free) at 1-800-268-8326 or visit In Toronto, call (416) 947-3330.
Ontario Home Builders’ Association
The Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) is a good place to start to source builders, developers and contractors in your area. Call (toll-free) at 1-800-387-0109, or search among OHBA’s 3500 members by visiting
7 Tips to Sell Your House This Winter
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